3 Programs and Series
- 3.1 Dialog: Edit program
- 3.2 Program Reports
- 3.3 Dialog: Edit series
- 3.4 Series Reports
- 3.5 Edit sequences
- 3.6 Copy Series
- 3.7 Multi-Edit Parental Rating
Programs and series belong to the basic elements of the ContentExplorer (just like contracts, licenses, material, etc.) They are entered and edited in the CE and used for scheduling in the scheduling applications. The individual elements in the CE can be interrelated and the status of these elements can be controlled via processes.
In addition to programs and series this chapter also discusses sequences. They resemble series, as they combine several individual films under one title just like the episodes of a series.
The diagram below shows the relations of the various CE elements:
These elements are also available for scheduling in the scheduling applications (Scheduler, Planner) as the CreateCtrl Suite shares one data base.