6.2 Importing Material

This feature is customer-specific and can not be used by all customers.

All customers who do not generate the material within the CE themselves but import it to prepare and edit it for the scheduling process can use the material import interface.

The interface does not import material sets but files, e. g. images, videos, scanned contracts etc. However, material sets can be created directly on importing the files.

To carry out a material import, please proceed as follows:

  1. Select the option Asset > Import in the header.
  2. Choose the data source in the import material dialog (Orgin of data). 
  3. Next to the Reset button you can check the file path from which the material will be imported. Via the button  you may change this path. Select the button Import directory to display the files in the overview list. 
  4. Select the destination of the files via the fields Stock and the Storage area type
  5. Select the files in the list by activating the Import flag (multiselection is possible, use the buttons Enables import for the selected files  and Disables import for the selected files ). Either new material sets will be created for all selected files or the files will be attached to existing material files. 
  6. In addition, you may activate the flags Copy files before storing and Move files. In this case material sets are created or attached to existing files and the imported files are copies in the selected file directory.
  7. Copy of kind of material sets, target content and material set position type: In order to import the data correctly, the kind of material, the target content and the material set position type have to be specified. You can copy the those attributes with the following buttons: Copies kind of material set of first file selected to all others under it Copies target content of first file selected to all others under it Copies kind of material set of first file selected to all others under it if possible  and Copies material channel activation of first file selected to all others under it .
  8. Open new material sets immediately: opens the material set dialog for all newly created materials.
  9. Select the button Generate material sets to start the import.


 You will be informed in case of an unsuccessful material import.

On importing, it is also possible to search for already existing material sets and just to add a further asset position to an existing material set. All materials that cannot be imported into the ContentExplorer have to be generated manually.

Material can also be imported client-specifically via database jobs into the CE. For this, please contact the CreateCtrl Support (support@createctrl.com).