
Programs belong to the basic elements of the ContentExplorer (just like series, contracts, licenses, material, etc.). A program is a specific type of film, e. g. a movie, a filmlet (short film), or some other type of program which disposes of at least one original version. A program may contain various program versions such as the original version, title versions, synchronized version, cut versions etc. Depending on the customer there may be several numbers for one program.

Programs are multi-tenant and may refer to licenses, trailers, material, assets etc. depending on the content.
A program has the following basic data which are independent of the versions.

  • Program type
  • Production format
  • Year of production
  • Program specific parameters
  • Persons / Firms
  • assets and materials
  • Texts (these CAN refer to a program version)

The versions of a program may vary in the following attributes:

  • Title
  • Version type
  • Language
  • Sound
  • Colour
  • Parental rating
  • Number
  • Length

You have the option to search for programs, to create new programs and versions, to copy and paste programs into folders and to define processes for work with the programs.