In the field Apply utilization patterns to licenses, you can determine, which rule for reruns should be active for this license window. If rules are defined in this column and the license check is active in the programmer, deviations of this rules are shown as license error immediately.
Reruns | Nr | Repeat type | Abbreviation | Archive | Def |
Rules for reruns
The rules for the reruns are defined in Admin > Edit parameter> Reruns. The field Abbreviation refers to the time-lag of the scheduling between the run and its valid rerun. In the following table, you can find all possible rules for reruns:
Name | Abbreviation | Examples | Description |
Global | WRxxx | WR24, WR48, WR120 | The reruns can be set globally which means that they can be scheduled independently of the exhibitions within the valid license period: This is defined via the abbreviation Wxxx or Gxxx. These parameters allow valid reruns within xxx hours after each run. |
Reruns per Run | WRxxx | WR24, WR48, WR120 | The reruns are counted per run: In this case, the number of the allowed reruns is counted per each scheduled run! This rule is described via the abbreviation WRxxx. |
Daily Exceptions | WGxxxZdxxx, bzw.WRxxxZdxxx | WG24Z572, WG24Z6120, WG24Z372Z624, WR24Z572, WR24Z6120, WR24Z372Z624 | In addition to the normal rerun period (WG24/WR24), it is also possible to specify exempted days. The rule is as follows: Zdxxx d=day 1Mo 2Di 3Mi 4Do... xxx number of hours. The rules regarding the reruns have to be specified before the rules regarding the days (i.e. WG24Z572 instead of Z572WG24). Example: WG24Z572Z672 = weekdays 24 hours, Friday or Saturday 72 hours. |
Prime Time Rules | Phhmm-hhmm-yyyWGxxx, bzw. Phhmm-hhmm-yyyWRxxx | P2000-2300-001WG24, | Here, the time rules and counting methods of WRxxx or WGxxx are effective: However, only yyy (number) of the reruns may lie within the prime time of hhmm (hours/minutes) to hhmm (hours/minutes). 1 Prime time WHS (e. g. P2000-2300-001WR24) or 2 prime time WHS (e. g. P2000-2300-002WR024). Per each run one or two reruns can be set across channels, and one of these can be scheduled in the prime time between 20.00 PM and 23.00 PM. Here prime-time regulations and cross-channel-regulations can be combined (e.g. PxxxWqyyy or PxxxXWqyyy). |
Weekend Rule | Phhmm-hhmm-yyyWGxxxEee, bzw. Phhmm-hhmm-yyyWRxxxEee | P2000-2300-001WG24E2, P2000-2300-001WG24E2 | Weekend rule hhmm-hhmm-yyyWqxxxEee: "E" specifies that this rule refers to week-ends, "ee" stands for the number of reruns (e.g. E2 = two reruns on weekends). If a rerun takes place during the weekend (run from Monday to Friday: rerun during the following weekend; run during the weekend: rerun during the next weekend) and a weekend rule is available, the prime time check is not carried out; instead, the system counts the re-runs during the weekend. If the normal rerun period extends into the weekend, the prime time rule check is also not carried out during the weekend; the number of reruns is merged with those of the weekend rule. This means that it is possible to plan 4 reruns, with 2 reruns within 24 hours and 2 reruns during the weekend. |
Cross Channel Rule | X[kkk]aaWRxxx, bzw. X[kkk]aaWGxxx | XWR30, X[DC]WG120, X[S1]2WR60, X2WR180 | Here, the time rules and counting methods of WRxxx or WGxxx are effective. However, the reruns can be scheduled on any channel. X[kkk]aaWxhhh
Example: XWR30 (as before), X[DC]WG120, X[S1]2WR60, X2WR180 The channel abbreviation and aa are optional. Several X rules may be active (e.g. for different channels). If only a certain number of reruns are allowed on the original channel, you can add a cross channel rule for the original channel. Example: X[RRR]0X[CTV]2WR24 → No reruns are allowed on the original channel [RRR] and 2 on the cross channel [CTV] within 24 hours. |
Time-Shift Rule | TSxx[kkk]mmm | TS[S1]40, TSWH[DC]60 |
Example: TS[S1]40, TSWH[DC]60 If the time-shift rule applies, reruns within mmm minutes on the time-shift channel [kkk] will not be counted as used run or rerun. If the xx specification is empty, only runs are linked with time-shift events, reruns remain unlinked. The specification of the channel is optional. There may be several rules for timeshifting active at the same time (e.g. for different channels). A time-shift event has a time-shift flag, in all other license fields it displays the specifications of the original event. There may only be one timeshift event per event on the main channel. |
Reruns until the End of the Broadcasting Day | WRB[dd]xxx, bzw. WGB[dd]xxx | WGB[3]24, WRB24 |