1.1.2 Filter

Using a Filter

In all results and details lists of the ContentExplorer, you can activate filters. The filter can either be activated in Start > Filter or when you right-click the column header and select Use filter.

If you activate the filter, a new line appears under the column header. Here you can add filter restrictions:

  • Filter menu: Go to the column you want to filter and select an entry from the drop-down menu.
  • Costum filter: Additionally, the results can be filtered with AND and OR operators.
    When you are filtering a list you can use different operators to refine your search results. You can use the following operators:
    OperatorNameDescriptionExample SearchFindsDoes not find
     No operator

    Finds everything, which begins with the search term. Leading articles (the, a) are ignored.

    BlaBlack; Blast; Black List; Blade 2; The Black SwanMen in Black; The Curse of the Black Pearl; Desert Blast

    Leading percent operator

    Finds everything, which contains the search term.

    %BlaBlau; Blast; Men in Black; The Curse of the Black PearlBalance; Badlands; Born on Planet Earth
    %Included percent operator

    Finds everything, where the first part is the beginning and the last part anywhere after.

    B%laBlack; Blast; Balance; Badlands; Born on Planet EarthMen in Black; The Curse of the Black Pearl

    Spaceholder for individual characters

    Finds everything, which ends with the first part, are followed by an arbitrary character and are then followed by the second part. The operator _ can replace any character.

    B_laBola; BalanceBadlands; Born on Planet Earth; Black; Men in Black

    Logical operator OR

    Finds everything, which begins with the first or second part.

    Bla|BluBlack; Blue; Black List; The Blue Max; The Black Swan; Blue City;Men in Black; Dark blue
    &Logical operator ANDFinds everything, which contains the first and the second part.Bla&%BluThe Black Blur; The Blue Max (German: DerblaueMax)Black; Blurr;

    Logical operator NOT

    Finds everything, which does not contain the search term.

    Searching for %Bla, then filtering for !(%ck)Blade 2; Blast ForceBlack List; Black Moon; The Black Swan
    ()Logical bracketsHelps you to combine several operators.

    <Kleiner als

    Finds everything, which is smaller than the search term. Letters are sorted by the alphabet.


    You can use these operators with the terms today and now. The filter "<today" only shows dates from the past. The filter "=today" only shows today. The filter now is useful for fields, which contain specific times.

    Searching for %Bla, then filtering for: <pBlade 2; Desert Blast; Men in BlackPitch Black; Twins in Black and White
    >Größer als

    Finds everything, which is bigger than the search term. Letters are sorted by the alphabet.


    You can use these operators with the terms today and now. The filter ">today" only shows dates from the future. The filter "=today" only shows today. The filter now is useful for fields, which contain specific times.

    Searching for %Bla, then filtering for:: >pPitch Black; Twins in Black and WhiteBlade 2; Desert Blast; Men in Black


    In earlier versions, these operators also applied to the search in the ContentExplorer. This is not the case anymore. Now, the index search applies.

Saving a Filter

If you want to use a filter several times, you can save a filter and load it again. In order to do this, please proceed as follows:

  1. Click right on a column header and select Use filter or press [CTRL + F].
  2. Adjust your filters and columns.
  3. Click right on a column header and select Save layout.

  4. Give the new layout a name and click OK.

    → The order of the columns and the filters are now saved and can be loaded anytime over Load layout.

If you do not need a layout anymore you can delete it with Delete Layout.