3.1.10 Tab Royalties

In this tab you may enter royalty relevant data for the respectively selected program version. To collect royalty data, please proceed as follows:

  1. Select the desired version in the General tab of the program dialog. In case the royalty data is copied to all versions, a specific selection is not of importance.
  2. Change to the Royalties tab and click the New Button.
  3. A new line is inserted where you may enter the title, the album name, the track number, the interpreter etc. For a detailed royalty accounting it makes sense to select the actual time code positions of the entry.
  4. Activating royalty data: The royalty entries need to be activated via the Royalties flag. Only activated royalty data will be exported.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Copy the royalty list to further program versions: Click the Copy button to copy all royalty entries of the current program version to one or all other program versions. Select the desired version/s in the dialog Copy entire royalties list and click Apply.


 The Import button enables you to import a *.csv file that has the same columns as the Royalties tab, so that you do not have to enter the relevant information manually.


RoyaltiesNrRoyaltiesTitleTrack numberReference numberInterpreterComposerPublisherAlbumCommentValid fromValid untilRoyalties kind of usageLabelTC InTC OutLabelcodeEAN UPCISRC