Icon | Mouse-Over | Description |
| Calculates the contract's value by the license values | Adds up the prices of all licenses of this contract (dialog Edit Contract only). |
| Create new entry | Creates a new due date. |
| Remove selected elements | Removes the selected due date. |
| Shows information on the date and user that created or changed the period of usage | Shows, who changed the element when for the last time and who created element when. |
| Edit formula for the due date | Opens the formula editor to calculate the due date. |
| Overwrites the due date with the value of the formula | Overwrites the date in the fields Due date with the date from the field Formula value. |
| Recalculate the formula for the due date | Refreshes the value in the field Formula value. |
| Edit episode prices | Opens the dialog Episode prices which can be used to add prices to series licenses. |