5.1.5 Tab Price

This tab serves to store price information and due dates for the contract.



Calculates the contract's value by the license valuesAdds up the prices of all licenses of this contract (dialog Edit Contract only).

Create new entryCreates a new due date.

Remove selected elementsRemoves the selected due date.

Shows information on the date and user that created or changed the period of usageShows, who changed the element when for the last time and who created element when.

Edit formula for the due dateOpens the formula editor to calculate the due date.

Overwrites the due date with the value of the formulaOverwrites the date in the fields Due date with the date from the field Formula value.

Recalculate the formula for the due dateRefreshes the value in the field Formula value.

Edit episode pricesOpens the dialog Episode prices which can be used to add prices to series licenses.


PriceContract fee/License fee in contract currencyCurrencyRateContract fee in local currency/License fee in local currencyLocal currencyRateMinimum guaranteeCurrencyvat %VoD License fee (Edit license only)VoD accounting method (Edit license only)Additional cost (Edit license only)Comment (Edit license only) 
Due datePositionNrDue dateFormulaFormula valueDate estimatedAt the latestAmount% of price% of minimum guaranteeMGPriceCurrencyPrice in local currencyLocal currency
 Exchange rateLocal exchange rateCompanyCost unitInvoice dateInvoice numberHandover datePaidPaid amountPaid dateOpenCommentProgram (Edit contract only)