5.8 Dialog Formula Editor
The formula editor can be opened in various dialogs, like the dialog Edit license , tab General and tab Windows , Buttons und .
Areas of the formula editor
Name | In the field Name, you can see the name of the formula or New formula. Please replace New formula with a name of your choice. |
Description | Here you can enter some additional information on the formula. |
Formula (Return value has to be in the variable r) | Here the formula is entered. |
Formula components | This field contains a selection of several function components which serve you to enter your formula as required. These formula components can be extended by CreateCtrl. A selected component is assumed into the Formula field by a double click. |
Field below Formula components | As soon as a function component is chosen, a help text is displayed here. |
Formula result or error | By clicking on this button you can check the current formula regarding syntax criteria. The formula syntax is ok if no result or date is displayed here. The content of a formula CANNOT be checked with this test. To check the contents according to correctness please prepare some examples and enter a date in the distribution channel/s or value attribute/s and or in the workflow step/s and/or function/s. and compare the result in the field with the expected result. |
>Buttons< | Search formula: Before entering a new formula please check whether this formula already exists by searching for it. New formula: Here, you can add a new formula. No formula: With this button you can select no formula. Save formula: Saves the current formula. Delete formula: Deletes the current formula for the current license. To delete a formula completely from the data pool, please open the individual licenses and delete it there. For example, was the formula used in 3 licenses, it is only deleted completely after deleting the formula for all 3 licenses. OK: Serves to save the formula. Cancel: The formula is not saved and the dialog closes. |
General information on the formula syntax:
- "then" or "else" or "r:=" or "end if" must be followed by a semicolon";"
- Only enter a semicolon after "if", if it is ended by "then"
- For any "if" you have to enter a "end if"
- Comments start with /* and are ended with */
- Formulas for calculating the license end date need the function component "SubtrahiereD". This specific component used the time offset of minus one day.
Functions of the formula editor
Add date | Adds a time range to the specified date. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition on the result. Enter here 0 if addition is not desired. Result: The calculated date from the value attribute plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
Contract begin | Returns the date of the contract begin. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. Please enter 0, if no addition is required. |
Contract date | Returns the date of the contract date. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. Please enter 0, if no addition is required. |
Contract end | Returns the date of the contract end. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. Please enter 0, if no addition is required. |
Date | Returns a fixed date. Parameter 1 represents the sought date. Result: The date which is specified via the parameter. |
Distribution channel (Program - BoxOffice) | Returns the date for the distribution channel in the given country of licensing program. Parameter 1 represents the names of the process. Parameter 2 represents the names of the process step. Parameters 3, 4 and 5 form an addition on the result. Please enter 0, if no addition is required. Result: The date of the sought distribution channel plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
EarliestDate | Returns the earlier of the two passed data. If one of the two dates has not yet entered, the other one is returned! Parameter 1 represents the first date to be compared. Parameter 2 represents the second date to be compared. Result: The earlier date. |
First broadcast of the licensing program | Returns the date for the programs first broadcast on the license. The date can also be outside the license term. t. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: The date of the first broadcast plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
First planning of the licensing program | Returns the date for the programs first planning on the license. The date can also be outside the license term. t. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: The date of the first broadcast plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
First window broadcast | Returns the date for the first broadcast that is linked via window. Earlier runs, which are not linked by a license window, are not considered. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: Date of the first run. |
First window broadcast of previous license | Delivers the date of the first run of the predecessor license, which is linked by a license window. Earlier runs, which are not linked by a license window, are not considered. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: Date of the first run of the precedessor license. |
Last broadcast of the license program before the license ends | Delivers the date of the last broadcast of the program before the resent license time frame. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form the addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. |
Last broadcast of the licensing program | Delivers the date for the last broadcast. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form the addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: The date of the broadcast plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
Last planning of the license program | Delivers the date for the last scheduling. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: The date of the last scheduling plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
Last window broadcast | Delivers the date of the last run, which is linked by a license window. Later runs, which are not linked by a license window, are not considered. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: Date of the last run. |
Last window broadcast of previous license | Delivers the date of the last run of the predecessor license, which is linked by a license window. Later runs, which are not linked by a license window, are not considered. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: Date of the last run of the precedessor license. |
Latest date | Delivers the later date of two provided dates. If one of the two dates has not occurred yet, the other date is rejected. Parameter 1 represents the first, parameter 2 the second of the two dates to be compared. Result: The later date. |
License begin | Delivers the date of the license start. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: The date of the license start plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
License begin of purchase license | Delivers the date for the start of the purchase license. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. Please enter 0, if no addition is required. Result: The start date of the purchase license plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
License begin of the previous license | Delivers the date for the start of the predecessor license. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. Please enter 0, if no addition is required. Result: The start date of the predecessor license plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
License end | Delivers the date of the license end. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. |
License end of purchase license | Delivers the date for the end of the purchase license. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. Please enter 0, if no addition is required. Result: The end date of the purchase license plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
License end of previous license | Delivers the date of the predecessor license end. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. |
Process step date | Delivers the date when a workflow step has been accomplished. Parameter 1 represents the name of the workflow. Parameter 2 represents the name of the process step. Parameters 3, 4 and 5 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: The calculated date from the workflow step plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
Subtract the date | Subtracts a time period from the specified date. Parameter 1 (days), 2 (months) and 3 (years) form a deduction from the result. If no deduction is required, please enter 0. Result: The provided date minus the specified deduction, if applicable. |
Value attribute (License) | Delivers the date for a value attribute of the license. Parameter 1 represents the name of the value attribute. Parameters 2, 3 and 4 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: The calculated date from the value attribute plus the specified addition, if applicable. |
Value attribute (Program) | Delivers the date for a value attribute of the program. Parameter 1 represents the name of the value attribute. Parameters 2, 3 and 4 form an addition to the result. If no addition is required, please enter 0. Result: The calculated date from the value attribute plus the specified addition, if applicable. |