6.7.1 Tab General

This tab contains the general data concerning the article.

An article can not only be used for merchandising, but also for the management of channels if you have to maintain a complex system of channels, platforms, and packages. You can link a channel in the field Channel. Afterward, the three buttons Channel, Platform, and Package are linked directly to the parameters.




Edit further titlesThis button enables you to save further titles. These titles can also be found via the general search.

Automatically generate reference number

This button enables you to generate a reference number for the selected version. The number is generated due to a mechanism in the program. 

Opens a dialog to edit more reference numbers

This button opens a dialog to edit additional reference numbers. Here you can enter a further number to the existing reference number or define the main number. 
When you activate the flag Read only, other users may not modify the number.
For programs, series and episodes, the parameter RefNoTyp defines the display order.

Opens the licenses to the current article


The link to a license is only active if the current article has already been assigned to a license.

As soon as the current article is linked to a license (which can only be done in the license dialog) you can open and edit the license with the article dialog; thus article and license are then cross linked. Select the following button in the article dialog to edit the license.