1.1.3 Filter Operators
When you are filtering a list you can use different operators to refine your search results. You can use the following operators:
Operator | Name | Description | Example Search | Finds | Does not find |
No operator | Finds everything, which begins with the search term. Leading articles (the, a) are ignored. | Bla | Black; Blast; Black List; Blade 2; The Black Swan | Men in Black; The Curse of the Black Pearl; Desert Blast | |
% | Leading percent operator | Finds everything, which contains the search term. | %Bla | Blau; Blast; Men in Black; The Curse of the Black Pearl | Balance; Badlands; Born on Planet Earth |
% | Included percent operator | Finds everything, where the first part is the beginning and the last part anywhere after. | B%la | Black; Blast; Balance; Badlands; Born on Planet Earth | Men in Black; The Curse of the Black Pearl |
_ | Spaceholder for individual characters | Finds everything, which ends with the first part, are followed by an arbitrary character and are then followed by the second part. The operator _ can replace any character. | B_la | Bola; Balance | Badlands; Born on Planet Earth; Black; Men in Black |
| | Logical operator OR | Finds everything, which begins with the first or second part. | Bla|Blu | Black; Blue; Black List; The Blue Max; The Black Swan; Blue City; | Men in Black; Dark blue |
& | Logical operator AND | Finds everything, which contains the first and the second part. | Bla&%Blu | The Black Blur; The Blue Max (German: DerblaueMax) | Black; Blurr; |
! | Logical operator NOT | Finds everything, which does not contain the search term. | Searching for %Bla, then filtering for !(%ck) | Blade 2; Blast Force | Black List; Black Moon; The Black Swan |
() | Logical brackets | Helps you to combine several operators. | |||
< | Kleiner als | Finds everything, which is smaller than the search term. Letters are sorted by the alphabet. Notice: You can use these operators with the terms today and now. The filter "<today" only shows dates from the past. The filter "=today" only shows today. The filter now is useful for fields, which contain specific times. | Searching for %Bla, then filtering for: <p | Blade 2; Desert Blast; Men in Black | Pitch Black; Twins in Black and White |
> | Größer als | Finds everything, which is bigger than the search term. Letters are sorted by the alphabet. Notice: You can use these operators with the terms today and now. The filter ">today" only shows dates from the future. The filter "=today" only shows today. The filter now is useful for fields, which contain specific times. | Searching for %Bla, then filtering for:: >p | Pitch Black; Twins in Black and White | Blade 2; Desert Blast; Men in Black |
In earlier versions, these operators also applied to the search in the ContentExplorer. This is not the case anymore. Now, the index search applies.