1.10.4 Tab Workflow
The tab Workflow contains the following tabs:
Tab Workflow
The tab Workflow shows all workflows of the element (e.g. contract) selected in the results area.
Tab Material Controlling
This tab is not available for all costumers. Please contact CreateCtrl, if you need access to material controlling.
In this tab you can find all bills, which are somehow connected to the item selected in the results area. If you search for a program, all bills are shown, which are connected to this movie. If you search for a company, all bills are shown, which are connected to this company.
Tab Workflow Gr.
The tab Workflow gr. shows the workflow of the element (e.g. contract) selected in the results area.
Tab Workflow Status
The tab Workflow status shows all statuses of the workflow of the element (e.g. contract) selected in the results area.