1.10.5 Reiter Weitere

The tab Asset contains the following tabs:

Tab Report

In the tab Report, you can generate several different reports. For example, you can export the program information of all programs, selected in the results area.



Shows the report immediatelyShows the report directly in ContentExplorer.

PrintPrints the report.

Opens the report as an Acrobat fileOpens the report asan PDFfile.

Opens the report as arichttext fileOpens the report as an RTF file.

Opens the report as an Excel fileOpens the report as an XLS file.

Opens the export dialog for the report

Opens the dialog Print Options.

Tab Planning

The tab Planning shows all schedulings of the element (e.g. program) selected in the results area.

Tab Broadcast

The tab Broadcast shows all broadcastings of the element (e.g. program) selected in the results area.

Tab Box Office

The tab Box office shows the box office of the element (e.g. program) selected in the results area.

Tab Text

The tab Text shows all texts of the element (e.g. program) selected in the results area.



Filter by text typeOpens a dialog, in which you can determine, which text types will be shown in the details area.

Tab VoD Takes

The tab VoD Takes shows all VoD takes of the element (e.g. program) selected in the results area.