1.8 Archive
Archive Content
Any content (programs, series, persons, firms, contracts, etc.) that is listed in the mainframe or data object bar can be archived. Archived content can be hidden in order to avoid unnecessary information in the mainframe or data object bar.
You can archive content by right-clicking on the content and open the menu Edit content or going to the header Start. You will see the options Archive content and Undo archivation.
The button Start > Show archived elements enables you to show or hide archived content.
When archived content is shown, it is marked in brown and flagged with the archive icon (in the column Archive).
Archived content is still shown in dialogues that are linked to the archived content; in these dialogues, it is marked in brown. Archiving content does not affect scheduling.
Archive Folder
The archive function is not only available for content, but also for folders. After highlighting the appropriate folder in the tree Folders, you can open the folder menu via right-click. If you click on Archive folder, the highlighted folder will be archived.