3.1.13 Tab Broadcasts

This tab shows all broadcasts of the program, including all the details such as number, version type, channel, etc. The lines are displayed in grey if the current trailer is selected in the General tab.


BroadcastsNrNumberTitleVersion typeChannelBroadcast date/timeCommentPlannedSourceLicense windowRights category windowRights territory windowRunRerunRuncountIgnore runcountR-T PersMA (%)R-% PersMA (%)MA-% PersMA (%)R-T PersRR-% PersRMA-% PersRR-T PersTR-% PersTMA-% PersTR-T 30_49MA(%)R-% 30_49MA(%)MA-% 30_49MA(%)R-T 30_49MTR-%  30_49MTMA-%  30_49MTR-T 50M Ma(%)R-% 50M Ma(%)MA-% 50M Ma(%)R-T 50MRR-% 50MRMA-% 50MRR-T 50MTR-% 50MT


The channel options VOD Channel and Variant are excluded from the channel dropdown list for broadcasts.