4.3.1 Tab General

In the tab General, the general data of the company can be maintained.

The four flags Rating authority, Material controlling client, Contract partner and Supplier for material can be used to restrict the alternatives in a field. When these flags are not activated, the company can not be selected in different fields, which makes these fields easier to use. The flags are used in the following dialogs:


Please activate all flags in case of doubt.


General company informationFirst nameLast name/CompanyShort nameContactNumberMore numbersRating authorityMaterial controlling clientContract partnerSupplier for material
Main business addressStreetStatePostal CodeCity/TownCountryE-MailUrlPhoneFax 



Merge second person with current one

You have the possibility to merge two persons. This means an addition of attributes. You can do this, to merge persons which have been created twice. To do this, follow this procedure:

  1. Click the button Merge second person with current one in the tab General.
    → The dialog Search opens.
  2. Search for the person, which should be merged with the current person. Enter a search term (title) and click Start search.
  3. When the search is completed, select a result and click Apply. The attributes of the second person will be adapted to the current person.

Upload logoYou can upload the logo of the company with this button.

Show logoYou can view the uploaded logo with this button.

Automatically generate reference number

This button serves to generate a reference number. The number is generated due to a mechanism in the program.

Opens a dialog to edit more reference numbers

This button opens a dialog to edit additional reference numbers. Here you can enter a further number to the existing reference number and define the main number. 
On activating the flag Read only other users may not modify the number.