5.9.2 Tab Programs
- Click on the button Add new period of usage on the right to open the dialog Search for programs.
- Select, which type of content you want to add. You can choose between program, program version and series.
- Please enter (part of) the title or the number of the required program and press Start search.
- Select the desired program in the result list and take it over into the offer via Apply. You can also select multiple entries.
- Repeat this process to add all required programs to the offer.
You can also create new programs by clicking on the button
Programs | Nr | Type | Title | Number | Version type | Offer date content | Status user (web) | Status date (web) | Comment | Status |
Type: The content type of the offer entry, either program, program version or series.
Offer date content: The date, when the title was offered. This is especially helpful when you often add titles to your offer.
Status user (web): Shows, which user changed the status of the program (version) in the WebSuite Tool Select.
Status date (web): Shows, when the status of the program (version) in the WebSuite Tool Select was changed.
Status: The status of the offer entry. This status is for the WebSuite Tool Select.