5.9.2 Tab Programs

  1. Click on the button Add new period of usageon the right to open the dialog Search for programs.
  2. Select, which type of content you want to add. You can choose between program, program version and series.
  3. Please enter (part of) the title or the number of the required program and press Start search.
  4. Select the desired program in the result list and take it over into the offer via Apply. You can also select multiple entries.
  5. Repeat this process to add all required programs to the offer.

You can also create new programs by clicking on the button .


ProgramsNrTypeTitleNumberVersion typeOffer date contentStatus user (web)Status date (web)CommentStatus

Type: The content type of the offer entry, either program, program version or series.

Offer date content: The date, when the title was offered. This is especially helpful when you often add titles to your offer.

Status user (web): Shows, which user changed the status of the program (version) in the WebSuite Tool Select.

Status date (web): Shows, when the status of the program (version) in the WebSuite Tool Select was changed.

Status: The status of the offer entry. This status is for the WebSuite Tool Select.