7.1.1 Tab General


The tab General selects the basic trailer data and the reference to the versions in the following fields:



Copies the current trailerVia this button you can copy the current trailer with all its basic entries, modify selective data if necessary and save it under a new trailer title.

Edits more titles

Here you can create further titles such as communication title, AKA title etc. The list of additional titles can be extended and modified in Admin > Edit Parameter > Title type. These titles will be found by using the general search.

Automatically generate reference number

This button enables you to generate a reference number for the selected version. The number is generated due to a mechanism in the program. 

Merges two trailers

You have the option to merge two trailers. This process adds up the trailer information of two trailers. You can use this function to combine two trailers of a certain topic. Please proceed as follows:

  1. Select the button merges two trailers  in the General tab:
    → A search dialog opens where you can search for the second trailer which should be merged with the current trailer.
  2. Please enter the search criteria (title or number) and start the search.
    → The results are listed below.
  3. By selecting the desired element and clicking on the "Apply" button the trailer is taken as second element in the merging process. The versions of the trailers will be added to the current program.

Opens a dialog to edit more reference numbers

This button opens a dialog to edit additional reference numbers. Here you can enter a further number to the existing reference number or define the main number. 
When you activate the flag Read only, other users may not modify the number.
For programs, series and episodes, the parameter RefNoTyp defines the display order.

Create a new trailer versionA new line is inserted on clicking this button. There you can define the parameters of the new version.

Remove one version from this listOn selecting a program version and clicking this button the version is deleted provided it is not the original version which cannot be deleted.

Open the Edit version windowThis button opens the dialog Edit trailer version  of the selected line.