8.1.9 Parameter VOD Charging
The parameter VOD Charging is for buying VoD Content with VoD points.
All VOD customers can buy films via their own digits account in an internet webservice. Purchasing films is done on the basis of digits. The credit points are allocated via a VOD price and charging matrix which also contains the grading of points. All prices are exported via an interface to make them available in the webservice of the internet.
Before being able to create the prices for the VOD scheduling some parameters have to be set in the ContentExplorer. These are the VOD charging VOD DRM information and the VOD price matrix.
For doing this open the parameter slider VOD Charging. Select the channel in the field Portal. You can ad as many rows as required to enter the grading of the points:
- With a maximum charging amount of 10€ the customer receives at most 20 pounts (charging amount x factor).
- The factor 2.10 ist used with a charging amount of 10 to maximum 50€. The customer receives 105 points for a charging amount of 50€.
- The factor 2.2 is used for a charging amount of 50 to maximum 200€ which means that the customer receives 220 points with a charging amount of 100€.
This matrix also serves as a conversion rate for a reversal calculation for the customer (e.g. a customer has a score of XY points which corresponds to a charging amount of YZ €).