9.2.2 Tab Fields

In the tab Fields, you can add additional columns to your folder. This means that you can use your folders to create individual lists, which can be used for excel exports, for example.

To add a new column to your folder, please proceed as follows:

  1. Click the button .
  2. Type in the name for your new column in the field Field name.


     Please do not use names of columns, that already exist in the folder, like Title or Number. This can lead to error messages and malfunctions.

  3. Please define, which kind of data you want to enter in this column in the field Type of field.
  4. In the column Write rights, please define which user should be able to edit this column. Please note, that all users should also have editing rights for the folder.
  5. In the column Position, you can define, where the column should be in the list.

There are several possibilities for the fields Type of field:

Field typeDescription
IntegerOnly numbers without decimals
StringText and numbers
Date and timeDates
Floating point numberNumbers with decimals
Database function

Database content

This field shows linked database content. The field DB function has to be filled with the database function. There are the following functions:

Folder type Program:

  • p_ordner_inhalt.MaxLizenzBeginn: Shows the license begin of the license of the program (if there are multiple licenses, the one with the newest begin date is taken)
  • p_ordner_inhalt.MaxLizenzEnde: Shows the license end of the license of the program (if there are multiple licenses, the one with the newest begin date is taken)
  • p_ordner_inhalt.MaxLizVertragsBez: Shows the name of the contract of the license of the program (if there are multiple licenses, the one with the newest begin date is taken)

For other folder types, there is no database function implemented yet.

Creating template folders

The arrangement of fields within a folder can be saved as a template, which can be adapted to other folders. Folder can be changed to template folders with the help of a checkbox.

To create template folders, please proceed as follows:

  1. In the dialog window Edit folder go to the field Fields.
  2. Enable the checkbox Template folder.

    To enable the checkbox, fields must be created.

  3. Click OK.

Using template folders

A defined and saved arrangement of fields can be adapted to other folders. To adapt template folders, please proceed as follows:

  1. In the dialog window Edit folder go to the field Fields.
  2. Open the dropdown menu and select one of the created template folders.

    By activating a new template folder, the existing arrangement of fields will be deleted and overwritten with the selected template.

  3. Click in the dialog box Yes.
  4. Click OK.



Adds a folder field definitionWith this button, you can add a line, in which you can define a new column of your folder.

Removes a folder field definitionWith this button, you can remove all selected lines.

Copy fields from other folders

With this button, you can copy the folder field definitions of another folder. Therefore, you only need to create a complicated folder field definition once and can copy it afterward. In order to do this, please proceed as follows:

  1. Open the new folder, for which you want to copy the fields of another folder.
  2. Go to the tab Fields and click the button Copy fields from other folder
    → The dialog Search opens.
  3. In the field Title like, enter the name of the folder you want to copy the fields from and apply with Apply.

    → The fields of the searched folder will now be copied to the current folder. You can change the fields if you want to.