3.1.6 Tab Assets


 Edit Series only:

The individual episodes of the series need to be assigned to assets in order to schedule and broadcast them. However, a series - as the "generic term" of the assigned programs - does not require an asset. Summaries of all series episodes or a series trailer can be stored on such an asset.

This tab is divided into two windows:

  • The upper window "assets" shows the assets on which the individual program versions are located.
  • The lower window "asset position" lists the asset position for the respectively selected asset.


AssetsNrNameNumberMore numbersKind of assetAsset formatAsset lengthReelMaterial typeSamplerStockStorage areaStorage area typeEigentümerSupplierDelivery DateAttributes
Asset positionNrActivatedTitleOriginal titleNumberMore numbersTypeContenttypeTC InDurationStock (Edit program only)Storage area (Edit program only)Storage area type (Edit program only)Audio systemImage formatTC Technik (external)Comment
 LanguageTC In textTC Out textTC OutProducedDeletedCustomerDistributor 1Distributor 2Audio codec (Edit program only)Checksum (file) (Edit program only)Size (file) (Edit program only)Image width (file) (Edit program only)Image height (file) (Edit program only)Duration (file) (Edit program only)Samplerate (file) (Edit program only)Bitrate (file) (Edit program only)
 HPosRep.Rel.LTCVITC_1VITC_2Video codec (Edit program only)Videobitrate (Edit program only)Framerate