5.1.7 Tab License Accounting

This tab is for the accounting of licenses.

You can copy lines by clicking the button . This only works, if an entry is selected.

Every line equals an accounting condition.

Example: Minimum Fee per Buy

If for example, you want to calculate the license fee for T-VoD and EST takes, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Select the right tab for your accounting method. This is the tab Transaction costs for the method Minimum fee per buy.
  2. Enter different conditions for different prices. This would be HD + T-VoD, HD + EST, SD + T-VoD, SD + EST, 4 lines.
  3. Enter the minimum price in the column Min. price for each condition.
  4. Enter the agreed Licensor fee.
  5. Select the accounting method Minimum fee per buy.
  6. Click the button Calculate.


 Please make sure, that the conditions do not contradict themselves.


Licensor Revenue shareNrWindow typeChannelPlatformPackageContentLicense categoryPlayout formatRights categoryValid fromValid untilDays after VoD release fromDays after VoD release toCurrencyVoD price categoryLicensor fee %  
Minimum guaranteeNrWindow typeChannelPlatformPackageContent License categoryPlayout formatRights category Valid fromValid untilDays after VoD release fromDays after VoD release toCurrencyVoD price categorymin. guaranteemin guarantee anualLicensor fee %
Transaction costsNrWindow typeChannelPlatformPackageContentLicense categoryPlayout formatRights category Valid fromValid untilDays after VoD release fromDays after VoD release toCurrencyVoD price categorymin.pricemax. gross priceLicensor fee %
Subscriber costsNrWindow typeChannelPlatformPackageContentLicense categoryPlayout formatRights categoryValid fromValid untilDays after VoD release fromDays after VoD release toCurrencyVoD price categorymin. subscriber pricesubscriber startsubscriber endSubscriber flat feeLicensor fee %
Fixed FeesNrWindow typeChannelPlatformPackageContentLicense categoryPlayout formatRights category Valid fromValid untilDays after VoD release fromDays after VoD release toCurrencyVoD price categoryFix priceLicensor fee % 
AccountingTake period fromTake period untilNetCurMethodTotal license feeSubscriberSubcr. PriceTakesTakes PriceRevenueRevenue %Min GuaranteeMin Guarantee yearlyFixed FeeVoD Price minPackageLicense begin
License end
 Window beginWindow endNumberTitleSeries titleRights categoryPlayout formatLicense category          

The column Total license fee shows the license fee, which was imported with the takes. This should be the same amount as the calculated value in the column Net. If those two values are not the same, the field Total license fee will be colored red.