5.12 Availabilty Analysis
The availability analysis enables to see every program version which is available at the moment. To start an availability analysis make sure to take the following steps:
- Go to License > Utilisation analysis.
- To limit the analysis to the required entries and shorten the loading time, select the Source, Territory, and Category. Multiple selections are possible.
- Select, if you want to see Licenses, Content or Season aggregations.
- Click Start.
→ Available program versions are now shown in the results area.
If you start the availability analysis for licenses, only current and future availabilities will be shown. Only, if you activate the flag Show past availabilities, you will see all availabilities, including past availabilities. If you want to have non-exclusive rights of selling licenses to be treated like exclusive rights, please activate the flag Exclusive availability.
To change the order of the dropdown lists Territory and Category, please go to Admin > Edit parameter > Rights area / Rights Category > Attributes > Reihenfolge Cmb and enter the order of the territory or category in the field Value.
The availability analysis is also available in the details area in License > Availability.