1.10.3 Tab License
The tab License contains the following tabs:
The tab Contract shows all contracts of the element (e.g. person or company) selected in the results area.
Symbol | Mouse-Over | Beschreibung |
Restrict associated persons to contracting parties | If you only want to see licenses where the person or company is a contractual partner, click the button Restrict associated persons to contracting parties. This excludes licenses where the person was a cast member for instance. |
The tab License shows all licenses of the element (e.g. contract or person/company) selected in the results area.
Symbol | Mouse-Over | Beschreibung |
Show all rights areas | Shows all rights areas. | |
Show all rights categories | Shows all rights categories. | |
Restrict associated persons to contracting parties | If you only want to see licenses where the person or company is a contractual partner, click the button Restrict associated persons to contracting parties. This excludes licenses where the person was a cast member for instance. |
License gr.
The tab License gr. is a graphical view of all licenses of the element (e.g. contract) selected in the results area. For example, you can compare purchase and sale contracts.
For a better overview, the ContentExplorer offers a graphic display of licenses: you can open this display by clicking on the tab License > License gr. in the details area. Select a program in the results list at the top, then go to the details area and select the rights region, the rights type and the color display. Click on the button Search.
The licenses are shown as bars with various colors.
If another entry is selected in the field Coloring, the colors of the licenses change. The following colorings can be selected:
- Contract category - colors of the contract category (adjustable in Admin > Edit parameter > Contract category)
- License type - colors of the license type (adjustable in Admin > Edit parameter > License type)
- Availability - If [EDay-Rest > 0] and [Vk-Ek-Count <= 0], dark yellow. Else: light red.
Symbol | Mouse-Over | Beschreibung |
Auto-update | If this button is activated, the details area is updated automatically, when another entry is selected in the results area. | |
Update | If the button Auto-update is not activated, the details area has to be updated manually, when another entry is selected in the results area. This can be done with this button. | |
Graphics options | The button opens the dialog which enables you to determine the display options. You can specify what the bars should look like and which macros will be shown within the bar. You can open an overview of the available macros by clicking on the button . | |
Zoom In | Zooms in. | |
Zoom Out | Zooms out. |
The tab Window shows all windows of the element (e.g. contract or program) selected in the results area.
Symbol | Mouse-Over | Beschreibung |
Show only not sold windows | Limits the view to windows, which have not been sold. Not included are windows with the missing flag "Show only not sold windows" in the parameter. | |
Show only non-linear channels | Limits the view to VOD channels. If the system parameter WINDOWTYPE_DEFINES_WINDOW_NONLINEAR is activated, only windows will be shown, for which window type the flag Non-linear is activated in the parameters. | |
Show only linear channels | Limits the view to linear channels. If the system parameter WINDOWTYPE_DEFINES_WINDOW_NONLINEAR is activated, only windows will be shown, for which window type the flag Non-linear is not activated in the parameters. | |
Hide expired windows | Hides all expired windows. | |
Restrict associated persons to contracting parties | If you only want to see windows where the person or company is a contractual partner, click the button Restrict associated persons to contracting parties. This excludes windows where the person was a cast member for instance. |
Window gr.
The tab Window gr. is a graphical view of all windows of the element (e.g. contract or person/company) selected in the results area.
For a better overview, the ContentExplorer offers a graphic display of windows: you can open this display by clicking on the tab License > Window gr. in the details area. Select a program in the results list at the top, then go to the details area and select the rights region, the rights type and the color display. Click on the button Search.
The windows are shown as bars with various colors.
If another entry is selected in the field Coloring, the colors of the windows change. The following colorings can be selected:
- Contract category - colors of the contract category (adjustable in Admin > Edit parameter > Contract category) - Licenses: +50% brightness
- License type - colors of the license type (adjustable in Admin > Edit parameter > License type) - Licenses: +50% brightness
- Window type - colors of the window type (adjustable in Admin > Edit parameter > Window type) - Licenses: +50% brightness
- Availability
- Licenses: If [EDay-Rest > 0] and [Vk-Ek-Count <= 0], dark yellow. Else: light red.
- Windows: If [EDay-Rest > 0] and [Vk-Ek-Count <= 0], light green. Else: dark red.
Symbol | Mouse-Over | Beschreibung |
Auto-update | If this button is activated, the details area is updated automatically, when another entry is selected in the results area. | |
Update | If the button Auto-update is not activated, the details area has to be updated manually, when another entry is selected in the results area. This can be done with this button. | |
Graphics options | The button opens the dialog which enables you to determine the display options. You can specify what the bars should look like and which macros will be shown within the bar. You can open an overview of the available macros by clicking on the button . | |
Zoom In | Zooms in. | |
Zoom Out | Zooms out. |
The tab Offer shows all offers of the element (e.g. program) selected in the results area.
The tab Bookings shows all bookings of the element (e.g. receipt) selected in the results area.
Right gr.
The tab Right gr. shows the matrix of rights of the element (e.g. program) selected in the results area.
Symbol | Mouse-Over | Beschreibung |
Update | Updates the details area when another entry is selected in the results area. |
The tab Availability shows all not-sold licenses of the element (e.g. contract or person/company) selected in the results area.
Symbol | Mouse-Over | Beschreibung |
Rights area | In this field you can select the rights area, for which the availability analysis will be performed. | |
Rights category | In this field you can select, whether the right categories for scheduling objects or for articles are shown in the drop-down field Rights category. | |
Rights category | In this field you can select the rights category, for which the availability analysis will be performed. | |
Exclusive availability | If non-exclusive rights should be treated like exclusive rights in the analysis, please activate this flag. This enables you to view the next exclusive availability of the selected program. | |
Show past availabilities | Per default, past availabilities are not shown. If you want to look at past availabilities, please activate this flag. | |
Auto-update | If this button is activated, the details area is updated automatically, when another entry is selected in the results area. | |
Update | If the button Auto-update is not activated, the details area has to be updated manually, when another entry is selected in the results area. This can be done with this button. |