Version 7.3
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General information | The parameter „License type“ now contains the column „Kind of license“ (options: Neutral, Buy, Sell, Intern). The parameters saved in „Kind of license“ has priority over the parameter saved in the contract. This enables users to create holdbacks. The license types are displayed in all relevant dialogs; in the parameters, colors can be allocated to the various license types. | 1.5 Edit Parameters |
General information | It is now possible to create a value list for the parameter „Value attribute“. Furthermore, the flag „Valuelistisfix“ has been created: If this flag is activated, it is not possible to enter an individual text for this value attribute; users can only select a prespecified entry from the value list. | 1.5 Edit Parameters |
General information | The menu Admin > Options enables users to specify individual settings. | 1.6 Options and Program Options |
Programs/Series | The individual seasons of a series are now also shown within the tree structure under „Series“. The lists of results show information with regard to the season. | |
Programs/Series | In the „Texts“ tab of the dialog „Editprogramme“, the column „Comment“ has been added. | |
Programs/Series | In the „Parental rating“ tab of the dialog „Edit program“, the columns „Requested by“, „Request date“ and „Request number“ have been added. | |
Programs/Series | The column „Comment“ has been added to the „Awards“ tab in the dialog „Edit program“. This column allows you to enter individual text. | |
Programs/Series | The „Season“ tab of the dialog „Edit series“ now also shows the version reference for each episode. | |
Programs/Series Trailers/Design elements/Commericals | The „Broadcasts“ tab (program versions, trailers, trailer versions, commercials, commercial versions) now contains the new columns „Comment“, „Planned“ and „Source“. | |
Programs/Series | The dialog „Edit sequences“ now contains a button for copying the sequence as well as the new columns „Series title“, „More numbers“, „Episode“, „Episode number“, „Sequence episode“. Inthelatteryoucan enter the order of the individual episodes. The dialog now also contains the button „i“ which enables you to open this episode. Besides, the new tabs „Parameters“ (for specifying the channel affiliation) and „Texts“ have been added. | |
Contracts/Licenses | The „Licenses“ tab of the dialog „Edit contract“ has been enhanced: the function „Apply utilization pattern“ enables you to insert several windows in licenses according to prespecified rules. Utilization patterns can be created, edited and deleted in the menu „Contract“ - „Edit utilization pattern“. | |
Contracts/Licenses | It is now possible to specify responsibilities for a contract: You can allocate a field of responsibility for each user in the „Status“ tab of the dialog „Edit contract“. | |
Contracts/Licenses | The graphic display of licenses („License gr.“) in the data object bar shows licenses as bars in various colors. The colors can be selected via the parameters. For even more display options, click on the button „Graphic options“. | |
Contracts/Licenses | In the „General“ tab of the dialog „Edit license“, the checkbox „unlimited“ has been added at the license time start and end. In the graphical view („License gr.“) in the data object bar, bars representing licenses with unlimited license periods show the mark „Open“. | |
Contracts/Licenses | The „General“ tab of the dialogs „Edit contract“ and „Edit license“ now also enables you to link the contract/license to a purchase contract/purchase license. If the period of a linked contract/license is changed, the system executes an automatic check; if the period is exceeded, the system emits a warning. | |
Contracts/Licenses | The function „Actions“ has been added to the „General“ tab in the dialogs „Edit contract“ and „Edit license“. This function enables you to schedule e-mails, messages and DB procedure calls. The column „Fixed date“ enables you to enter a certain date, for example for the follow-up. Via the function „Actions“, you can open the formula editor to which several functions have been added. All functions of the formula editor are now listed in this user manual. | |
Contracts/Licenses | In the dialog „Edit license“ - tab „Windows“, you now have access to the formula editor which enables you to calculate the start and end date of a window. Furthermore, the column „Version type“ has been added to the license window, so that you are now able to link a window to a certain version. | |
Contracts/Licenses | In addition to the normal repetition period (WG24/WR24), it is now also possible to specify exempted days. | |
Contracts/Licenses | The following tabs have been added to the dialog „Edit license“: „Other rights“ and „Material delivery“. These tabs enable you to provide additional information with regard to the license. | |
Material | The dialog „Edit asset“ - „General“ tab now contains the field „Owner“. The owner that is entered here is then also displayed in the „Asset“ tab of the „Edit program“ dialog. | |
Material | The soundtrack information (dialog „Edit asset“ - „Asset position“ tab) now also contains the audio parametersLufs, LRA/LU and TPL/dbTP. | |
Material | The content of the field „Loaned to (person)“ (tab „Archive“ - dialog „Edit asset“) is shown in overview lists in the column „Current location“. If the material has not been loaned to anyone, this column shows the entry „Intern“. | |
Material | The dialog of the lending wizard for material sets now also contains the field „Reason“. | |
Material | The dialog „Edit asset“ has been enhanced: it now contains the „Documents“ tab which enables you to upload documents for this asset (same function as the „Documents“ tab in the dialog „Edit contract“). | |
Query generator | It is now possible to copy the text in the field under „Query“ (definition of the query) by selecting this text and using Ctrl+c. |
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Programs/Series | The episode change wizard enables you to copy material/images. It shows all relevant version types; by default, the flag „Copy“ is activated for all version types. You can deactivate it for any version types which should be exempted from the copy function (see table cell „Open the dialog of the episode change wizard“). |
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Programs/Series | The episode change wizard has been enhanced: it is now also possible to copy material/images from one episode to all subsequent episodes. The wizard shows the version types and you can select from which version types material/images should be copied (see table cell „Open the dialog of the episode change wizard“). |
Contracts/Licenses | The dialog „Collective processing of licenses“ now also contains the function „Createcopyoflicensewith new rights category“. |
Contracts/Licenses | Theserieslicenceswizardhas been enhanced: You can now also search for an existing license by entering the target license right category, the target license right area and/or the target license date. |
Contracts/Licenses | A weekend rule has been added to the rerun rules. |
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Trailers/Design elements/Commercials | Trailer can now also have series references (until now, it was only possible to have program references). |
Trailers/Design elements/Commercials | The macro „TargetTimerange“ (time range that contains the main event which is to be referenced) has been added to the layout definitions, the macros „selectstartoffsetdays“ and „selectdays“ have been added to the layout event template. |
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General information | The function „Extended selection“ can be activated via right-click on the title bar of the results list in any results list that allows formultiselection. | 1.7 Extended Selection |
Programs/Series | For programs, series and episodes, the parameter „RefNo Typ“ defines the display order (see table cell „Editing additional reference numbers“). | |
Programs/Series | The episode change wizard now also enables you to take over persons by activating the flag „Copy“ for the relevant person(s) (see table cell „Open the dialog of the episode change wizard“). | |
Programs/Series | The dialogue „Edit series“ includes a button that enables you to copy this series. This function creates a copy of the series, including the main data (production company, country of production, series reference). | |
Rights query | The rights query now also contains the box „Contract/license/attributes“. Activating a flag in this box filters the results. |
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General information | In the Planner and the Programmer, it is now possible to restrict the visibility of certain data of a certain channel. These settings cannot be edited in the ContentExplorer; however, the settings in the Planner and the Programmer determine which data is visible in the tab „Planning“. | 1.2 View Content |
Contracts/Licenses | It is now possible to allocate a material set position type to each document in the dialog „Edit contract“ - tab „Documents“. | |
Trailers/ | The tab „Trailer“ now also contains the category „Channel affiliation“. This new category includes the category „Trailer version“ that lists all channels. Thus, you can now view a list of all trailer versions for a certain channel. | |
Trailers/ | The „Broadcasts“ tab, which has so far only been available for program versions, is now also available for trailers, trailer versions, commercials and commercial versions. |
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Material | Thedropdownlists for material set types, asset categories and asset formats (dialog „Edit asset“, tab „General“) are shown in alphabetical order. In addition, it is now also possible to define a certain position within the list for every entry (via Tools - Parameters). |